Argo Christmas party!

Yup, it's that time of the year again and Argo will be having their Christmas party for all their staffs. Before we go any further regarding the party, we would like to give our greatest thanks to all the trustees for making this possible.

This year Christmas party will be held at Dayna's Place on the Saturday 13th December. We've collectively decided that we will have a wonderful BBQ dinner instead of having it in restaurant like we normally do in the years before. To end this posting, here are some recap of some of the good times. Hope to see you there and Merry Christmas to all from the Argo Crew!

P.S: They are not exactly Christmas party photos, but just photos of parties.

Argo On Tour

Dayna, Sacha & Leigh have just returned from attending the annual ASSID Conference (Australasian Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability) in Melbourne Australia. The Argo contingent were fortunate enough to receive the necessary funding from the Ministry of Health as well as the Trust - to which they are extremely thankful. The conference was held at the RMIT University and was based around new research and studies done in the intellectual disability field. There were some very interesting topics, though not much that we could really use in every day Argo life. Nonetheless, we had a great time, Melbourne is a beautiful city and the weather was hot!
While in Melbourne we caught up Jade and Elizabeth (Ex Argo - see photo) and we all went out for beautiful outdoor Italian meal that was accompanied by live street Jazz!

If you have any questions or comments about the conference we would be happy to answer them?


Places that Argo recommends to eat.

We would like to introduce a new category for the blog which is 'Places to eat'. Its not easy to find places to eat which are nice and actually cater your taste buds and needs. Here are some of the places that we recommend to eat.

1) Felix- Corner of Wakefield St. & Manners Street.

2) Sweet Mothers Kitchen - At the end of Courtney Place (Embassy theater end)

3) The Occidental - Corner lambton Quay & Ballance St

4) The Establishment - Courtney Place

5) The Bristol - Cuba St.

6) Olive Cafe - Cuba St.

These are great places for Argonauts to hang and enjoy their meal while catering their needs. We are open to other suggestions and this section will be constantly update as soon as new places are introduced. Do add your suggestions at the 'comment' section underneath this entry. Bon appetit!